Yoga is good for stress, right? Well, yeah. Kind of. But if you're approaching yoga with the same "cultural values" of competitiveness, envy and insecurity that you apply to every other aspect of life, then yoga might be part of the problem, not the solution. There is one simple thing you can do though - try restorative yoga.
Read MoreGot much to be thankful for right now? I'm pretty sure you do. And here's why learning to say thank you could be the key to a happier, fulfilling and abundant life.
Read MoreResistance is futile. Or is it? We spend so much time resisting, often holding ourselves back from more happiness, more peace, more joy. How do we overcome resistance? With force, willpower or can the gentle way be the most powerful? Yoga can help us to face our ego, and for me, there's nothing like Mysore Ashtanga to do that.
Read MoreOne thing I notice all the time when I teach yoga is how much striving seems to be going on. How much effort we put into trying to reach further than before, to go deeper than we have before, to be better than we have before. But how often are we curious about our yoga practice? I share here just why we should all become curiouser and curiouser about what happens when we're on the mat.
Read MoreThe last few days have seen plenty of posts about the full moon. How to manage your energy during full moon, why you may be feeling a bit loopy right about now, and how to use the beauty of the moon to manifest your dreams. Whilst I love the beauty and power of the full moon, and notice that my dreams tend to be a bit wackier than usual, what strikes me is that the full moon is also an opportunity surrender.
Read MoreHow to practice yoga daily. And it doesn't involve a yoga mat.
Read MoreIs there right time to heal? The time to start healing is when you are ready - but the trick is that you might not know you’re ready, you might not even realise you need to heal, but if you find yourself being drawn to a particular yoga practice, or healing of any kind, then just do it. Don’t ignore your heart’s longings, you are being called, and you must respond. Ready to heal? I think so.
Read MoreStrength. We hear it more and more in yoga classes, but what does it really mean to be strong, and are you already stronger than you realise?
Read MoreIn the last few days I've had so many signs that I am heading in the right direction. But when we feel lost and confused, how do we know where to turn? Read on to find out.
Read MoreHow you practice yoga, consistency is key. But it's too easy to let this translate into another regime, another thing to do, and soon the practice which could be filling our hearts with joy becomes another chore. How do you find consistency in your yoga practice, and what does it really mean anyway?
Read MoreWllpower has always driven me forward, and definitely is why I survived so much of what I experienced. But it is only through intuition, love and reflection that I’ve been able to begin to truly thrive in my life and begin to really feel that I am enough.
Read MoreCan you remember a time when you’ve had to be brave? When you’ve taken unsteady steps in a new direction without knowing what the hell was going to happen? Or have you always played it safe, staying in the comfort zone? Here's why taking the leap gave me one of the best years of my life.
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